List of publications

APEC Regional Trends Analysis, March 2025

Survey and Workshop on Interconnecting Family Farmers with Consumers through Innovative and Inclusive Digital Platforms

Study to Generate Digital Tools for the Transition to Formal Economy of Tourism Businesses in the Asia-Pacific Region

Study on Strategies to Promote Sustainable and Safe Mobility in APEC Economies

Digital Transformation to Generate New Business Opportunities, Opening to New Markets in the MSMES and Gender Focused Cooperatives, in Response to the Economic Crisis Caused by COVID-19

Identification and Analysis of Guidelines Implemented for the Development of the Meetings Industry in the APEC Region
Final Report for the 15th Sub-Committee on Standards and Conformance (SCSC) Conference: Leveraging Voluntary Sustainability Standards (VSS) to Strengthen APEC Member Economies’ Trade Partnerships and Economic Cooperation

Regulatory/Market Settings to Support Greater Electrical Energy Storage Development for Sustainable and Socially Responsible Electricity Sector CO2 Emissions Reductions in APEC Economies

Summary Report of the APEC Workshop on Improving the Resilience of APEC Vulnerable Coastal Communities to Climate Change

High Performance Computing Infrastructure Management Ecosystem Model (HPCI-MEM) - White Paper

APEC Embracing Carers as an Integral Part of Health Systems - Workshop Outcomes Report