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Impact of Creative Economies on the Future of Tourism in the APEC Region

Published Date February 2025
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Tourism Working Group (TWG)
Accessed 449
Pages 112
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The document is subdivided into two parts:

1. This research explores how creative industries contribute to the growth and development of tourism and identifies strategies to improve their relationship. This research focused on two key materials:

●        25 case studies, which analyze the role of cultural heritage, the impact on women in relation to creative economies, creative tourism initiatives, events, festivals, and technological innovation to enhance visitor experiences.

●        15 application tools that facilitate the development and implementation in the tourism industry where creativity plays a prominent role.

2. The Handbook of Training Materials, which aims to design and develop a Training Materials Manual to include and promote the development of creative economies in the context of tourism, share existing experiences and best practices.