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APEC Energy Statistics 2021

COVER_EWG_APEC Energy Statistics 2021
Published Date April 2024
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE), Energy Working Group (EWG)
Accessed 923
Pages 168
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The APEC Energy Statistics 2021 consists of the following chapters:

  1. Background information on APEC energy statistics
  2. Overview of APEC energy situation
  3. Member economy tables

The APEC Energy Statistics 2021 was derived from the APEC energy database, the purpose of which is to establish a comprehensive and consistent energy database within the APEC region. This database is used in analysing significant trends in energy supply and demand in APEC. The APEC data are likewise consistent with the definitions and targets set by the APEC Energy Working Group, such as the energy intensity goal and shares of renewable energy in total primary energy supply, electricity generation and total final energy consumption. The APEC data and statistics are prepared in close cooperation with member economies.