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Virtual Workshop: Leveraging New Technology for Tax Administration in the Post-COVID Era

COVER_223_FMP_Virtual Workshop Leveraging New Technology for Tax Administration in the Post-COVID Era
Published Date December 2023
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under Other APEC Groups and Initiatives, Finance Ministers' Process (FMP)
Accessed 1144
Pages 46
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This project has conducted a virtual workshop to assist APEC economies in capacity building through sharing policies and practices regarding leveraging new technologies for tax administration. The virtual workshop has enabled participants in increasing knowledge and identifying best practices of how emerging technologies have improved the efficiency and effectiveness of tax administration in different tax categories. During the virtual workshop, several recommendations were highlighted, such as developing mobile tax functionalities to enhance taxpayer convenience and compliance, utilizing big data and machine learning technologies to facilitate risk analysis and case selection, as well as ensuring all newly-adopted technologies adhering to strict cybersecurity and personal data protection laws and regulations. In conclusion, it is essential for APEC economies to keep advancing tax technologies to align with emerging business operation models, so as to ensure stable fiscal revenues and enhance domestic resource mobilization in support of inclusive and sustainable growth.