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Study on Techniques to Implement International Secured Transactions Standards in Civil and Common Law Jurisdictions

COVER_223_EC_Study on Techniques to Implement International Secured Transactions Standards in Civil and Common Law Jurisdictions
Published Date December 2023
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under Economic Committee (EC)
Accessed 994
Pages 32
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The Study is designed to help APEC economies implement international standards to create a modern credit infrastructure to facilitate credit for MSMEs. The APEC Economic Committee promotes access to credit and secured transactions reform through its Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) (B-Ready) and Strengthening the Economic and Legal Infrastructure (SELI) initiatives to encourage harmonization of relevant laws using international instruments. The Study reviews international standards concerning access to credit and secured transactions reform, especially the UNCITRAL Model Law on Secured Transactions, the UNIDROIT Model Law on Factoring, and the forthcoming UNCITRAL-UNIDROIT Model Law on Warehouse Receipts. It provides specialized advice and methodology to common and civil law APEC economies considering secured transactions reform in the core areas of: i) scope, ii) priorities through registration, and iii) enforcement. It also reviews the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) to resolve secured transactions disputes.