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APEC Public-Private Dialogue to Advance Understanding on Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) in Textile and Garment Industry

Cover_218_CTI_APEC Public-Private Dialogue to Advance Understanding on NTMs in Textile and Garment Industry
Published Date September 2018
Type of Publication Proceedings
Publication Under Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI)
Accessed 10632
Pages 11
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This report summarizes the discussions during the APEC Public-Private Dialogue to Advance Understanding on Non-tariff Measures (NTMs) in Textile and Garment Industry held in Ha Noi, Viet Nam on 13-14 April this year.


The project is aimed at the following objectives: (i) Exploring and stocktaking the application of NTMs in Textile and Garment in existing RTAs/FTAs in APEC, other regions as well as in the WTO to identify and bridge the gaps among APEC members in the issues in efforts to realize the FTAAP; (ii) Provide capacity building to APEC  governmental officials on NTMs in Textile and Garment to deal with NTMs negotiation in their on-going RTAs/FTAs negotiation, as well as to regulate NTMs in Textile and Garment sector in reality; and (iii) Making recommendations to CTI for further consideration and action on this issue.