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Fostering an Enabling Policy and Regulatory Environment in APEC for Data-Utilizing Businesses

Cover_219_PSU_Fostering an Enabling Policy and Regulatory Environment in APEC for Data-Utilizing Businesses
Published Date July 2019
Type of Publication Reports
Publication Under APEC Secretariat, APEC Policy Support Unit
Accessed 15266
Pages 141
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The objectives of this study is to better understand: 1) how firms from different sectors use data in their business models; and considering the significant increase in data-related policies and regulations enacted by governments across the world, 2) how such policies and regulations are affecting their use of data and hence business models. The study also tries: 3) to identify some of the middle-ground approaches that would enable governments to achieve public policy objectives, such as data security and privacy, and at the same time, also promote the growth of data-utilizing businesses. Thirty-nine firms from 12 economies have participated in this project and they come from a diverse group of industries, including aviation, logistics, shipping, payment services, encryption services, and manufacturing. The synthesis report can be found in Chapter 1 while the case study chapters can be found in Chapter 2 to 10.